CPSA 2016 Annual Conference Programme

Canadian Political Science Association


May 31 to June 2, 2016
University of Calgary
Calgary, AB


The 2016 Programme Committee recognizes the contributions of the following to our programme:

The University of Calgary’s Department of Political Science for hosting the departmental reception;

The Congress' International Keynote Speaker Support Fund and the Aid to Interdisciplinary Sessions Fund;

MITACS and the University of Toronto Press for their sponsorship of the Graduate Student Three Minute Thesis Competition;

The University of British Columbia Press for sponsoring the Author Meets Critics: Alex Marland’s Brand Command session;

The Canadian Opinion Research Archive at Queen’s University for sponsoring the Campaign Effects workshop;

The Institute of Intergovernmental Relations at Queen’s University for sponsoring the roundtable on Fiscal Challenges in Federal Systems;

The School of Public Policy and Administration and the Master of Public Policy, Administration and Law Program at York University, and the Department of Politics and International Relations at Mount Allison University, for sponsoring the CPSA/CAPPA - Public Administration Section lunch on May 31;

The Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship for sponsoring the Mediation of Gendered Identities in Canadian Politics workshop;

Louise Carbert (Dalhousie University) for helping to organize the Women's Caucus Cocktails & Dinner;

and Jay Smith (Athabasca University) for serving as Chair of the CPSA Poster Session.

We also would like to thank Michelle Hopkins, CPSA Administrator, Silvina Danesi, CPSA Executive Director, and Sean Hart, IT/Web Consultant, for enabling and supporting our work. Their guidance, assistance and expertise behind the scenes ensure that our meetings are successful.